Guitarist, arranger and composer


He graduated in guitar at the "N. Paganini" Conservatory in Genoa and graduated in Modern Literature with a thesis on solo guitar music by Heitor Villa-Lobos.

In addition to several guitar seminars, he attended the Experimental Jazz Course at the Conservatory of Alessandria and the International Course of Guitar Improvement at the "L.Perosi" Academy in Biella.

He has participated in various television programs and has collaborated with the Teatro Stabile of Turin.

He has published, for the Musical Editions "Strepitoso", his own arrangements for guitar of the themes of E.Morricone for the film "Once upon a time in America", and the didactic collection "Giocando con le note".

He has recorded a recording for Fonit Cetra ("Atmosfere e Sensazioni"), with music by his father Giorgio Magri, and other musical productions ("Bossaninha" - "Alma Latina" - "Le Grandi Canzoni d'Autore") with various formations.

His latest CD "Preludiando" represents a synthesis of varied musical worlds, well highlighted also by the stylistic contents of his compositions.

In addition to different collaborations with musicians from various backgrounds, he performs concert activities as a soloist, always bringing wide acclaim from the public and critics.

Very eclectic artistic personality, he has been carrying out in-depth research on the role of the guitar in Brazilian music for some time.

Roberto Magri